5 best time to drink honey

Honey contains many valuable nutrients for good health. However, while various honey drinks also bring health benefits are not the same.

If you drink honey, you just choose the best time according to his purpose. Note that honey should only be mixed with warm water below 50 degrees to avoid the destruction of these enzymes, random fact of the day you lose its effects.

1. Drinking honey in the morning - to clean the stomach

Drink a cup of honey in the morning helps cleanse the stomach and helps the body eliminate waste. Forming such habits will help your body always be cleaned promptly. If you regularly drink honey in the morning you will find yourself almost regular bowel movements per day.

5 best time to drink honey
Energy generated by the high honey than about five times the milk. Thus, it can add energy to the human body in a very short time period, eliminate fatigue and hunger usually occur in the early morning. Morning drink of honey, interesting science facts you can quickly supplement the physical, mental and so relaxed and more positive excitement.

2. Drink honey in the afternoon - help replenish energy

In the afternoon, about interference between lunch and dinner time is also the most tired body and "require" huge energy consumption. At this point, the body is given a "hungry", added a cup of warm honey will erase the chaos of the brain, and helps mentally more alert.

The sugars in honey is absorbed by the body very quickly, improve nutritional status in the blood. A cup of honey in time to help supplement the energy supply and the foundation for the activities of 2-3 hours the next. In particular, for athletes or physically active people, the intense honey drink a glass of water before and after work stress is also very useful.

3. Drink honey before bedtime - Support sleep and sedation

The Chinese have a saying: salt water every morning, every night honey water. That sentence means: Brine fasting when up early every day, every night before going to bed drink honey.

Honey, sugar, vitamins can adjust the function of the nervous system, reduce stress, promote sleep, and do not have side effects. A cup of honey before bed may help you reduce stress, and improve sleep quality.

4. Drink after a meal of honey - Promote Digestive

Honey has the function to regulate digestion gastric acid secretion caused more than usual. After eating, especially after eating, the digestive function of the stomach vulnerable to decline, difficult bowel movements reviews. A cup of honey to enhance the role of peristalsis, can promote gastric acid secretion to normal, shortening significantly defecation makes you feel "light hearted" more. Thus, also help you to lessen the negative impact of excessive dinners.

5. Drink honey before meals - Preventing gastric acid

Honey may play a regulatory role in the normalization of activity of gastric acid secretion. Half an hour before a meal, a cup of honey can inhibit gastric acid secretion, thereby reducing gastric mucosal stimulation. For people with stomach ulcers, then drink a cup of warm honey water per day (10ml honey mixed with one cup of warm water), after a while inflammation is greatly reduced or even completely healed. Read more free online games for kids.

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