Keep reading for more interesting information about one of the most amazing science facts for your checking out on  balloons

Fact #1

Qualatex latex balloons are made from 100% natural latex — not plastic. Our latex balloons are biodegradable, and decompose as fast as an oak leaf in your backyard!

Fact #2

Before toy balloons were invented people inflated pig bladders and animal intestines.

Fact #3

The first rubber balloon was made by Professor Michael Faraday in 1824, out of two sheets of rubber whose edges were pressed together.

Fact #4

Pioneer manufactures nearly one billion Qualatex latex balloons per year.

Fact #5

Hot air balloon was the balloon to make the first recorded manned flight. It was made by the Montgolfier brothers and launched on 21 November 1783.

Fact #6

The first gas balloon ended up destroyed by terrified villagers, after it landed, who didn’t know what it was.

Fact #7

The first use of a balloon for military purposes was like an observation point. This is one of the most  amazing facts ever.

Fact #8

Solar balloons are a type of gas balloons that use air that is heated by the sun's radiation and in that way gain buoyancy. The first man to fly in a solar balloon was a Tracy Barnes on 1 May 1973.

Fact #9

The first living beings that flew in a balloon were a sheep called, a duck and a rooster. Sheep had a name Montauciel which means "Climb-to-the-sky".

Fact #10

Latex balloons are Earth-friendly! Rubber trees grow in rain forests. Latex harvesting discourages deforestation because latex-producing trees are left intact. A tree can produce latex for up to 40 years!

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I love to know and share amazing information about random facts of Uranus planet for kids


Uranus cannot be seen from the Earth without a telescope.


The seventh planet from the Sun, it was not known in ancient times, unlike the planets fromMercury to Saturn.


Uranus was first seen by William Herschel in 1781 during a survey of the sky using a telescope. In 1782 George III appointed Herschel as Astronomer Royal. StartsWilliam Herschel was born in Hanover, Germany. He moved to England in 1757 in order to follow a career as a musician but after buying a book on astronomy he became interested only in watching the sky. 


Herschel also discovered 2 of Uranus moons with a larger telescope.


Uranus is one of the “gas giants”, the four outer planets which are entirely composed of gas,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.


Most of the centre of Uranus is a frozen mass of ammonia and methane, which gives it the blue-green colour. The atmosphere also contains hydrogen and helium.


Uranus orbits the Sun lying on its side and takes 84 years to complete one orbit. The Earth goes round the Sun in 365 days, one year.


Because Uranus is lying on its side as it orbits the sun, for nearly a quarter of its orbit one pole of the planet is in complete darkness. 


Uranus takes 17.9 hours to turn once on its own axis, faster than the Earth, which takes 24 hours and gives us the change from day to night.


Uranus was the ancient Greek God of the heavens whose sons were the Giants and Titans.


Not many of us knows science facts that Uranus is the smallest of the four “giants”, but is still several times larger than the Earth. It has a diameter of 29297 miles, or 47, 150 kilometres, compared to the Earth’s diameter of just under 8000 miles, or 12,760 kilometres. 


Uranus has a total of 27 moons, most of whom are named after characters in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The five major moons are called Titania, Oberon, Miranda, Ariel and Umbriel. Umbriel is not from Shakespeare but is the “melancholy sprite” in a poem by Alexander Pope.